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Can Extreme Heat Damage the Vinyl Wrap On A Car?

How bad is heat damage for vehicular vinyl wraps? It can get pretty bad, especially in hot climates. Yet, even if you live in a cold environment, you need to understand the application process for vinyl and how specialists use a heat gun for that final adhesion.

Vehicle Wraps

December 21, 2022

How bad is heat damage for vehicular vinyl wraps? It can get pretty bad, especially in hot climates. Yet, even if you live in a cold environment, you need to understand the application process for vinyl and how specialists use a heat gun for that final adhesion. You may ask if extreme heat can damage the vinyl wrap on a car.

Did you know: You need heat to properly apply vinyl wraps to cars? But, too much heat, even after the vinyl is installed, can affect the appearance and adhesiveness of vinyl vehicle wraps.

Heat Is Necessary For Vinyl Wrap

Why is heat part of the wrapping process? It adheres to your vinyl car wrap all around the vehicle and activates the adhesive.

Heat Impacts Conformity

Room For Installation Should be above 45-Degrees Fahrenheit

Heat is necessary to apply vinyl vehicle wraps properly—for example, The room where a car is being wrapped shouldn’t be too hot or too cold. A happy threshold will prevent warping and peeling. 

For an ideal range, the room should be a minimum of 45 degrees Fahrenheit so the adhesive on the vinyl can adhere to the vehicle properly. Furthermore, cool temperatures affect the plasticity of vinyl and make it difficult for vinyl to conform to curved and/or textured surfaces.

A Post-Heat Method is Essential For Vinyl Vehicle Wrap

At the end of the installation process, vinyl specialists perform a post-heat procedure. During post-heat, installers apply heat to areas on vehicles where vinyl was stretched over complex shapes, curves, and corners, like side mirrors. Heat application is necessary because it softens and stretches the vinyl, preventing it from returning to its original size.

Without post-heat, vinyl on vehicles can pop off the car’s recesses and curves. As a result, the car surface becomes more vulnerable to outside elements. This process should be done at 203 degrees Fahrenheit.

Heat and UV Exposure Can Damage Vinyl Wraps

Vinyl Wrap Under Sun Heat

Extreme heat and harmful ultraviolet rays can cause vinyl vehicle wraps to fade. Ironically, many of these vinyl wraps can prevent UV rays from entering vehicles, causing damage to the interior and burning passengers. Nevertheless, you want to reinforce sun protection as much as possible. 

Why Prevent Heat Damage For Car Vinyl Wraps

Apply the heat-resistant vinyl wrap to your vehicle to protect your car’s interior and exterior adequately. This kind of vinyl wrap provides UV protection too. You can prevent fading by applying wax to your vinyl wrap after you wash your car, and try to avoid parking your vehicle in the sun when you can.

Furthermore, extreme heat can negatively impact the dimensions of vinyl cuts and adhesive. You can compromise your branding if you park vehicles in direct sunlight. Find shady spaces and provide car cover if necessary.

Avoid storing vinyl-wrapped vehicles in temperatures exceeding 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, the graphics on the vinyl can become distorted, and the adhesive may begin to fail. Also, avoid drastic changes in temperature because this can cause vinyl to shrink and expand, which is not good rapidly.

Heat Can Damage Vinyl Wraps

The heat definitely affects the quality and longevity of vinyl vehicle wraps. To ensure the vinyl vehicle wrap on your car lasts as long as possible and looks good the entire time, avoid extreme temperatures at all costs. Consider applying protective wax to the vinyl on your vehicle to further protect your car from fading from heat and UV damage.

The Benefits Of Vinyl Wraps To Protect Your Car From Sun Damage

You can use a custom or standard vinyl wrap to protect your car’s paint job on a hot day. This fits over each painted panel and is an extra layer that protects against sun damage when driving long distances in spring or summer. It also protects from minor abrasions caused by pebbles flying around while you move fast to avoid traffic jams!

When applied to an automobile, a vinyl wrap can enhance the appearance of your vehicle. You could choose a color or pattern for different effects: clear protection with a shiny membrane; opaque change in body look without removing it anytime soon.

A vinyl wrap can be applied to your car in a few hours but will last up to 10 years. Removal doesn’t damage the underlying surfaces; you don’t have to worry about sun exposure if it’s still with you for many years! This is the best option when protecting paint, so consider this an investment that might pay off after several decades.

Hire Team Acme Professionals To Install Vinyl Vehicle Wraps

There’s one place in the Las Vegas area that has a professional and experienced team who knows everything there is to know about high-quality vinyl vehicle wraps: Team Acme, Inc. in Henderson, Nevada! 

Visit our website today to learn more about our vinyl installation process. You can also get in touch with our team by filling out the contact form on our website.

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